7 Guest Rooms

Having guests can be a wonderful experience.  Providing a place for them to stay can sometimes be a real challenge.   Of course it is easier to find a place for visitors when building a new home or guest house.  Our clients generally want their guests close enough to be included in family activities, but far enough away  for everyone to have their privacy.  To complicate things, visitors with small children have very different needs compared to college [...]

Small Home-Big Dreams

We have designed new homes which are very small(under 1000 square feet) as well as homes which are very large.  Regardless of scale, each home reflects the vernacular detail of the region and the careful study of proportion and light as well as the needs and desires of its owners.  This will be the first of several articles exploring projects of various sizes. This home was designed as a weekend home for a couple who were professionals working [...]

7 Transom Windows

According to Merriam Webster, a transom is: ‘a window above a door or other window’.  The experience of a transom is so much more. On the exterior of a home, it is the window to the sky.  Sometimes we include transoms on doors leading to a porch.  The additional window space allows more light in. Inside it helps bring light to interior rooms, to hallways and accessory spaces.  Before the advent of central heating [...]