Transoms Above Windows

Transoms above windows

According to Merriam Webster, a transom is: ‘a window above a door or other window’.  The experience of a transom is so much more.

Patio View

Patio view

On the exterior of a home, it is the window to the sky.  Sometimes we include transoms on doors leading to a porch.  The additional window space allows more light in.

Interior Transom

Interior transom

Inside it helps bring light to interior rooms, to hallways and accessory spaces.  Before the advent of central heating and air-conditioning, transoms provided fresh air and internal ventilation.

Transom To Pantry

Transom to pantry

We also use  transom windows as a design element which visually extends the height of a door or window.

Hallway Transoms

Hallway transoms

Interior And Exterior Transom

Interior and exterior transom


Transom In Bay

Transom in bay

About the Author: James Crisp

James M. Crisp has been an architect for well over 30 years. His architectural firm, Crisp Architects, designs projects throughout New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts. In April of 2007, Taunton Press published 'On the Porch' by James M. Crisp and Sandra Mahoney.

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  1. 954160131D57Ed004F1Bd3990F867982?S=54&R=G
    Denise Buchanan March 14, 2013 at 7:59 am

    I always love seeing your name with a new post in my inbox!
    Seeing how you’ve used transoms in these rooms is so inspirational. Thank you for sharing.

  2. 0B85E806Ac21008F2C4Bc7F91E08651B?S=54&R=G
    Rich Cederberg March 14, 2013 at 9:43 am

    Beautiful pictures, and I agree, saying its just a window above a door doesn’t do the transom window justice!

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