7 Formal Dining Rooms (Expanded)

Formal Dining Room In an age where family time has been shortened by screen time, and we eat most our meals on the go, a formal dining room can bring us together.  A dedicated dining room can change the atmosphere of a meal and provide a special grace to dinner time. I have a large dining room in my own old farm house, and we do enjoy more formal meals there.  In our house, the dining room is [...]

By |2023-02-11T19:24:02-05:00November 15th, 2017|Categories: Additions, Construction, Design, Dining room, Miscellaneous, New Homes, Renovations|Tags: , |3 Comments

4 Screened Porches

As I sat down to dinner on our porch the other night, I knew something was wrong.  The kids were already scratching.  I turned on the ceiling fan, which normally blows away all but the most determined bugs and it barely had any effect.  The next thing I knew, the kids were going for the bug spray.  We made it through dinner, but until this crop of mosquitoes has gone south, we will be eating indoors. It dawned [...]

By |2012-05-23T16:48:25-04:00October 3rd, 2011|Categories: Porches|Tags: , , , |8 Comments

The Magic (and the Work) of Architectural Photography

It was on a rainy morning a couple of weeks ago that our photographer, Rob Karosis, began shooting the first of our recently completed projects.  If it were my first photo shoot with Rob, I might have been worried.  As always he pulled it off beautifully, and you really can’t tell it was drizzling. We have been working with Rob for many years and our photos are a team effort.  We borrowed some props from our friend, Ruthie [...]

By |2011-09-13T10:58:44-04:00September 8th, 2011|Categories: Miscellaneous|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Alfresco Dining

With summer in full swing, my family and I take every opportunity we can to eat outside on our porch or on a patio off the kitchen.  Somehow with the flowers blooming and the birds singing, alfresco dining feels to me, less like an average meal, and more like a celebration. Some of the homes we design have incredible views, and while we do everything we can to take advantage of those views from inside, what better place [...]

By |2012-05-23T16:46:21-04:00June 27th, 2011|Categories: Design, Miscellaneous, Porches|Tags: , , |0 Comments