6 Corners With Views

Corner French Casements Nothing opens up a room like corner windows.  They provide that much more light and a panoramic view of the scenery.  Whether in the corner of a kitchen or an expansive sunroom, they make a powerful statement. The only loss when wrapping windows around a room is wall space.  I feel they should be used purposefully where they will make the most impact.   Often opening up two or more walls with glass requires special structural [...]

By |2023-02-11T19:19:44-05:00December 13th, 2017|Categories: Family Room, Kitchen, Living Room, Miscellaneous|Tags: , , |2 Comments

4 Greek Revival Buildings

Former home of Kermit Love, creator of Big Bird (New Home) We love Greek Revival style buildings.  Sometimes we add on to Greek Revival homes, and we also design them from the ground up.  We often take liberties with details and proportions like carpenter architects did with the originals.  Above is a home we designed for (the late) Kermit Love, the creator of Big Bird, and his partner.  Kermit was in his 80s when we began this project. [...]

By |2023-02-25T10:19:01-05:00August 14th, 2017|Categories: Additions, Family Room, Living Room, Miscellaneous, Pool Houses, Porches, Renovations|6 Comments

6 Renovations That Can Change the Way You Live in Your Home (Updated)

I have renovated and added to my own home for many reasons, including the fact I hated the existing kitchen.  I added a porch and a bedroom because I love porches and my oldest daughter needed a room of her own.  Many people renovate a home because no one thought to incorporate light or views in the original design.  Sometimes the existing home is outdated, dark, too small, poorly laid out, or all of the above. In any case, some [...]

Country Lane Home-Featured Project

Patio View It is not uncommon for our clients  to ask us to add additional rooms or outbuildings to their property, but it is unusual to work on a home more than a decade in the past then have the current owners ask us to expand the home even further.  That is exactly what happened with the 'Country Lane Home'.  An earlier kitchen and family room renovation was expanded when we added living space and guest quarters and [...]

By |2023-02-26T12:22:10-05:00August 19th, 2015|Categories: Additions, Breakfast Nook, Family Room, Living Room, Miscellaneous, Porches, Renovations|0 Comments

10 Ways to Bring Art into Your Home

Living Room Sculpture Almost every home we renovate or design from the ground up, includes a generous amount of art.  Sometimes the homeowner has an extensive collection which we place in advance on our drawings.  Existing art objects can be placed  throughout the house providing 'art walls' or niches for specific pieces. More often the homeowner enjoys collecting art over time and placing it where it fits.  Either way, natural and artificial light plays an important role in how [...]

By |2023-02-26T12:22:52-05:00August 19th, 2015|Categories: Design, Family Room, Laundry rooms, Living Room, Miscellaneous, New Homes, Renovations|2 Comments

Where to Put the TV (Updated)

We Americans have a love/hate relationship with our televisions.  I try to limit my children’s time in front of the screen, but I myself spent my share of free time in front of the tube.  That was so long ago, I remember going to the local store to replace tubes that had burned out.  On the one hand, there is a huge amount of mindless junk on TV, but we have never had a greater choice of excellent content at [...]

By |2023-02-26T12:38:17-05:00February 9th, 2015|Categories: Bedrooms, Fireplaces, Living Room|Tags: , , , , |3 Comments

12 Living/Family Rooms

Lake House Living Room Living rooms are the place we gather with friends and family.  They come in all sizes, shapes and decors, and  are as diverse as families themselves.  In my living room, it is not uncommon for us to light a fire in the fireplace, which is in front of the couch, and then watch TV which is in the corner of the room.  Not a perfect set up, but my home is an old farm [...]

By |2023-02-26T12:43:24-05:00February 2nd, 2015|Categories: Family Room, Living Room, Miscellaneous|4 Comments