Fine Home Source 2013-Best One Ever!

We had a beautiful day, 54 vendors(a record) and over 600 visitors-what more can you ask for? Well, we had a late entry of Telescopes of Vermont who showed everyone the amazing Porter Garden Telescope.  People were reading the fine print on a dollar bill almost a block away.  It brought back my amature astronomer's glee. There were vendors like Chris' Coffee showing their amazing Italian espresso makers and handing out free samples to Hudson Company displaying their [...]

Fine Home Source 2013, Sept. 28th

I will be the first to admit, everyone doesn't need a bowling alley.  But if you would like to see the latest in home bowling, come on out to Fine Home Source on September 28th and take a look.  This year we have some of the most broad ranging and professional vendors ever.  You can speak to the experts from Orvis Sandanona about learning how to fly fish or shoot sporting clays then talk to the folks at Dutchess Overhead [...]

Fine Home Source 2013

We are now a little over a month away from our 6th and largest Fine Home Source Home show.  We have enlarged the tent and added vendors and have reached a milestone of 6 years keeping craftmanship and quality design alive.  Join us in the celebration of quality services,craftsmanship, and design on September 28th in Millbrook, New York.  Here are a few of the vendors who will be there: [...]

Fine Home Source-Best Show Ever

We could not be more happy with Fine Home Source 2012!  As always, we had great weather, expert vendors and enthusiastic visitors.  I was amazed at the number of people who thanked us for pulling together so many interesting and talented professionals in one place. Who knew that we would be continuing this tradition and building on it’s success 5 years after our first home show. Again I would like to thank all our vendors and all our [...]

By |2013-06-28T13:05:13-04:00October 7th, 2012|Categories: FineHome Source, Miscellaneous|Tags: , , |1 Comment

10 More Fine Home Source Vendors

We are now about a month away from our 5th and largest Fine Home Source Home show.  We have enlarged the tent and added vendors and have reached a milestone of 5 years keeping craftmanship and quality design alive.  Join us in the celibration of quality on September 22nd in Millbrook, New York.  Here are a few of the vendors who will be there: [...]