7 Perfect Pergolas

Pergola on Stone Terrace I love pergolas.  They give shade and add detail and interest to any structure although, I have to admit, there is no pergola which is perfect for all situations. We sometimes create free-standing pergolas, however most are connected to a home or outbuilding.  Materials for posts and beams can either match the larger structure or be completely different creating a contrast.  If plants are allowed and encouraged to grow over the structure, care should [...]

By |2023-02-11T19:15:23-05:00December 30th, 2017|Categories: Miscellaneous, Patios, Pool Houses, Porches|Tags: , , |3 Comments

4 Pool Houses(Revisited)

Nothing says summer like kids splashing around in a pool–except perhaps an adult party centered around a pool on a balmy summer evening. In either case, a pool house makes everything easier.Whether the pool house is small and simple or includes a full kitchen and guest quarters, having a place to store cold drinks, towels and refreshments makes summer entertaining a lot more fun. A pool house can be a place to access only the absolute necessities [...]

7 Transom Windows

According to Merriam Webster, a transom is: ‘a window above a door or other window’.  The experience of a transom is so much more. On the exterior of a home, it is the window to the sky.  Sometimes we include transoms on doors leading to a porch.  The additional window space allows more light in. Inside it helps bring light to interior rooms, to hallways and accessory spaces.  Before the advent of central heating [...]