7 Stylish Seating Ideas for Your Kitchen Island

4 Chairs Facing the Window If I am not cooking, my favorite spot in the kitchen is sitting at our island, helping prep dinner or adding to the conversation.  The separation between active chefs and the support/cheering section is essential.  As they say, too many cooks can spoil the porridge, and when hot pans are moving quickly between stoves and sinks, it can get downright dangerous. Leather Stools Curved Seating Area Chairs Facing [...]

By |2024-10-15T18:26:31-04:00September 29th, 2024|Categories: Miscellaneous|0 Comments

9 Inspiring Sunrooms That Bring the Outdoors In

Living Room as Sunroom Adding enough windows can transform a living room into a sunroom. At the same time, if you insulate and heat a three-season room properly, it can become a full-time sunroom. The best time to enjoy a sunroom can be the middle of winter.  While we always think of sitting in a sunroom looking out over a lush garden, the time when we need the sun the most is when those plants are well below [...]

By |2024-09-25T09:40:46-04:00September 25th, 2024|Categories: Miscellaneous|2 Comments

The Unexpected Joys of Raising Sheep

Our Nephew (7 years old), Willy Wonka, With Golden Ticket Sheep Raising a flock of sheep is a family affair and more complicated than most people think. Strategies exist for breeding, feeding, shearing, training, and showing sheep, as well as keeping the sheep healthy and properly exercised.  As 4-H members, young people are expected to raise and care for their animals as well as learn the fundamentals of animal husbandry.  They present before an audience of their peers [...]

By |2024-09-02T21:30:27-04:00September 2nd, 2024|Categories: Miscellaneous|0 Comments

14 Stylish Laundry Rooms That Make Washing Fun

Mud Room/Laundry Room It is often true that the simple things in life are the ones that make us the happiest. In our homes, the unsung and hardly glamorous laundry room serves to keep the engine of our lives running smoothly. Though clean socks may not guarantee happiness, it is a start. No two families are the same.  What works perfectly for one rarely is ideal for another and those needs change over time. Speaking as a father [...]

By |2024-09-02T21:32:17-04:00August 25th, 2024|Categories: Miscellaneous|0 Comments

13 Inviting Family Rooms Perfect for Relaxation and Entertainment

Rustic Family Room Family rooms are the place we gather with friends and family.  They come in all sizes, shapes, and decors and are as diverse as families themselves.  In my living room, it is not uncommon for us to light a fire in the fireplace, which is in front of the couch, and then watch our TV, which is in the corner of the room.  It is not a perfect setup, but my home is an old [...]

By |2024-08-23T08:38:09-04:00August 23rd, 2024|Categories: Miscellaneous|0 Comments

Dutch Colonial Inspired Home (Featured Project)

Front Entry Our clients are members of a family that own a sustainable family farm located in an area settled by the Huguenots and the Dutch. They felt that it was important to pay homage to the vernacular architecture of the early European settlers whose homes remain in the region. To that end, we began with a core section of the home reminiscent of the settlers’ beautiful stone structures. Beyond that we took advantage of the views and [...]

By |2024-08-13T13:25:57-04:00August 13th, 2024|Categories: Miscellaneous|1 Comment

Net Zero

Net Zero Home Cross Section There’s a lot of talk lately about energy efficient design and our responsibility within the architectural community to help combat climate change. Many of our clients come to us with questions about what they can do in their projects to do their part, but few know what that entails when taking on a net-zero project. What is Net Zero Design? A net zero energy home is one where the energy it uses over [...]

By |2024-08-14T16:15:14-04:00August 13th, 2024|Categories: Miscellaneous|0 Comments

9 Stunning Pergola Ideas to Enhance Your Outdoor Space

Free Standing Pergola I love pergolas. They provide shade and add detail and interest to any structure, although I have to admit, no pergola is perfect for all situations. We sometimes create free-standing pergolas, but most are connected to a home or outbuilding. Materials for posts and beams can either match the larger structure or be completely different, creating a contrast. If plants are allowed and encouraged to grow over the structure, care should be taken to choose durable [...]

By |2024-08-13T10:41:58-04:00August 11th, 2024|Categories: Miscellaneous|0 Comments

Charming and Functional Barn for Storage

Barn Overall On a working farm, you always need a place to park and store equipment. Building a barn with convenient storage on the upper level is a bonus.  We designed the barn to have easy access to the upper level by building it into a hill.  A truck can drive to the upper loading door and easily bring furniture and farm supplies up the ramp.  In addition to the upper door, we also designed a pulley system [...]

By |2024-07-21T19:56:07-04:00July 21st, 2024|Categories: Miscellaneous|0 Comments

Under Construction (2024)

Columbia County New Home It has been a hot summer so far.  Construction continues at full speed, making hay while the sun shines.  We seem to be back to pre-Covid timelines for ordering most materials.  If only the pre-Covid prices would return! Columbia County New Home Columbia County New Home West Stockbridge Renovation West Stockbridge Renovation New Home in Millerton New Home in Millerton New [...]

By |2024-07-23T18:55:44-04:00July 19th, 2024|Categories: Miscellaneous|1 Comment