5 Garage Door Solutions

Garage doors may seem to be a very mundane topic, not worth much thought in the overall scheme of home design, but in our office, that is not the case.  When you think about it, garage doors are quite large elements, which need to be worked into the composition of a building. Those considerations are important whether it is a stand-alone garage, garage/guest house, or a garage connected to a home. We have designed 3” thick authentic swinging [...]

By |2011-07-06T13:04:38-04:00July 3rd, 2011|Categories: Accessory Buildings, Garages|Tags: , , |3 Comments

6 Renovations That Can Change the Way You Live in Your Home

I have renovated and added to my own home for many reasons, including the fact I hated the existing kitchen.  I added a porch  and a bedroom because I love porches and  my oldest daughter needed a room of her own.  Many people renovate a home because no one thought to incorporate light or views in the original design.  Sometimes the existing home is outdated, dark, too small, poorly laid out, or all of the above. In any case, some [...]

Garage Conversion

In many homes the garage takes up some of the most valuable real estate on the property. Often the garage is the first thing you see when you drive up and it is connected right into the heart of the house just off the kitchen. That may make sense in some cases, but just as often the garage (if you could see through the walls) has the best views on the property and blocks the view from the rest of [...]

By |2010-06-03T13:37:43-04:00November 25th, 2009|Categories: Garages, Renovations|Tags: , , |4 Comments