6 Renovations That Can Change the Way You Live in Your Home

I have renovated and added to my own home for many reasons, including the fact I hated the existing kitchen.  I added a porch  and a bedroom because I love porches and  my oldest daughter needed a room of her own.  Many people renovate a home because no one thought to incorporate light or views in the original design.  Sometimes the existing home is outdated, dark, too small, poorly laid out, or all of the above. In any case, some [...]

Wine Cellars and Why We Enjoy Them (Guest Blog)

My first exposure to the existence of wine cellars, and for years after, my vision of what a wine cellar should be was in Edgar Allen Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado. Not to discount the great idea of bricking up one’s adversary, as described by Poe, but most of us have other reasons for building and maintaining a wine cellar. Because we enjoy good food and wine, having several choices available at a moment’s notice is the single greatest advantage [...]

By |2012-05-23T15:52:54-04:00October 3rd, 2010|Categories: Basement, Miscellaneous|Tags: , |2 Comments
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