There are few things I enjoy more than relaxing on my own porch after work. I sit down and before I know it, the kids have joined me and are swinging on the porch swing or riding their scooters in circles. Soon my wife arrives to complete the group and we have a family get together. This would never happen, knowing my family, on an open deck or inside our home. Inside we all have our tasks or diversions keeping us busy and outside in the yard, we lack a focus unless we are playing a game.
There is no doubt in my mind that there is something psychologically unique about a porch. We are neither inside nor fully outside and exposed; we are surrounded by the sounds and smells of nature while maintaining the comfort of home.
Invariably when adults gather on our porch, the conversations are fun and intense. At some point a family member will bring out a board game and our attention is equally consumed there. When the din of conversation quiets, the focus turns to the tableaux parading across the yard-usually the kids chasing the dogs or vice versa.
Now I’m not claiming that porches are the cure for the common cold, but I always feel my tensions ease as I spend time on a porch. If architects could prescribe home remedies, I assure you my first prescription would be: build at least one porch and have fun.
I like the new look of the blog! And I totally agree about that special porch quality.
Thanks, I’m on my way there right now.
I like the new look of the blog! And I totally agree about that special porch quality.
Your porch assessment is right on. We feel like we can decompress immediately.
It is truly our outdoor living room. Great website!
Your porch is quite lovely. What shade of blue did you use on the ceiling? We are planning on building a home with porches, and one major requirement for me is a blue ceiling. My husband wants dark green shutters. I do not want them to “fight” with each other. Do you have suggestions? The house will be white.
Honestly I’ll have to look that up. We call it porch ceiling blue, but that won’t help you.
I wish someone would do a study of the psychology of porch sitting.
Mary, I can tell you that we do not find that dark green shutters clash with blue ceilings at all. Both are so traditional, that they aways feel right together.
The blue we used on that porch was Benjamin Moore cumulus cotton #2063-70. You could easily cut that with a little white. I always suggest to our clients that we put up large samples to help make the right choice.
[…] the least cost, is a porch. I can’t wait for the spring when I can drink my morning coffee on my porch and sip a glass of wine in the evening with my wife, listening to our favorite music while […]
[…] the least cost, is a porch. I can’t wait for the spring when I can drink my morning coffee on my porch and sip a glass of wine in the evening with my wife, listening to our favorite music while […]