17 Mesmerizing Fireplaces for Fall

Fireplace with Wood Storage I admit it, I love to look into fireplaces and let my mind wander.  That constantly changing display of flames leaping and dancing can keep me enthralled for hours.  Better yet, it is the perfect background for gatherings and quiet conversations.  Fireplaces are often are part of the core of the home. Restored Study Fireplace Sunroom Fireplace Office Fireplace Stone Fireplace Adirondack Style Fireplace [...]

6 Wood Burning Fireplaces(Revisited)

Every autumn as leaves and temperatures fall, I anticipate the first fire in the fireplace. I continue to build fires well through the cool spring nights. Each new fire is a personal test of my log selection and arranging skills-some of which I fail; my father-in-law and I have a running contest to see who’s fire will smoke and go out the fastest. When my home (and his) was built in the late eighteenth century, building fires was [...]


Every autumn as leaves and temperatures fall, I anticipate the first fire in the fireplace. I continue to build fires well through the cool spring nights. Each new fire is a personal test of my log selection and arranging skills-some of which I fail; my father-in-law and I have a running contest to see who's fire will smoke and go out the fastest. When my home (and his) was built in the late eighteenth century, building fires was serious business. [...]

By |2010-06-03T13:43:05-04:00September 29th, 2009|Categories: Fireplaces|Tags: , , , |1 Comment