7 Back (or Side) Porches

Back Porch with Swing It seems that all we talk about are front porches.  Of course that is where we enter a home, and if that home is in a neighborhood, the front porch is the public face of the home. On many old farm houses, the back porch was off the kitchen while the front porch led into the more grand and public rooms of the home.  The back porch was where boots came off, deliveries were [...]

By |2023-02-26T13:23:11-05:00May 5th, 2014|Categories: Porches|Tags: , |5 Comments

The Reluctant Authors(Revisited)

OnThePorch It's hard for me to believe it has been almost twenty years since the publication of 'On the Porch'. Sandee Mahoney and I wrote this coffee-table book at the request of Taunton Press, and I have to say we are as proud of it today as we were in 2006. What follows is the text of an article written just before the book's release but after we had seen the authors' copies. It begins with a description [...]

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