We have had a very busy spring on the farm. Two lambs arrived while my wife was in California, helping our youngest daughter pack up at the end of the semester. Lucky for me all went well with the birth of the lambs, and I just got a pleasant surprise when I walked up to the barn. The mom gave birth to a ram and a ewe lamb, and they both are healthy. This time of year, our herd expands to fill all of our pens. We have natural colored Romneys, white Romneys, market lambs which will be sold at the 4H auction, and a few visitors that belong to family members. It is a full house.
Chloe and Gus have cemented an odd relationship where he is obsessed with her, and she allows him to follow her as long as he stays one paw swipe away. He is happy to oblige.
Photos by: Katie Hynes, Alicia Crisp, and J. Crisp
Curated Brochure by Crisp Architects: Portfolio
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I always love seeing the beautiful rooms and exteriors you design, but your photos of baby farm animals totally melt my heart. The baby lambs are the best!
Ditto that emotion. After thrilling to the May ’22 update of animal photos, I went to the menu line for more, which included the story of little (then) Poppy, her rescue and bottle feeding. Oh to be raised on the Crisp family farm! We had a much loved calico for years who was named Poppy. And, yes, I admire the design photos, of course!
Love the farm, love the animals! Know they do make you smile! Keep them coming!
I dream about adding to our home, with your assistance. You and your staff are all so talented. Everything you design is a true work of art!
The farm family always makes me smile. Your pets are so beautiful.
Lovely enclosed porch design but now I am curious about the “energy panels” you incorporated … ??
Just glass panels.