Mother and Son

Charlie Up Close
It’s a boy! (Ram) Our ewe, 2%, gave birth the other day between snow storms, to a 15 pound ram we named Charlie. He is growing quickly and gets along with all the other sheep very well. The sad part was the fact that Amy, the other Romney ewe, developed pregnancy toxemia, which can be fatal. Our vet performed an emergency C-section in the barn, which would have made Dr. Pol proud, but was unable to save lambs and Amy passed away the next day. Of course we were all sad, but understand that on a farm and in life, nothing is guaranteed.
A few weeks later, we drove to Amish country in Pennsylvania, and bought 4 market lambs which we will raise and show in the Dutchess County Fair.
Oliver in the Snow
Chloe Prowling on a Warm Day

Photos by: Jimmy and Alicia Crisp
Thanks for sharing the lambs are so sweet. Designs are awesome clovetwo
Thank you
Very sorry about Amy and lambs. I so enjoy your blog even when the news is sad. Your farm life and designs are a pleasure.
I enjoy writing the newsletter. JC
I love your pics and your down-home stories! (In addition to the fabulous architecture!)
Thank you so much!
As a borderline farm girl from Lancaster County, PA for most of my young life, I am sad to hear about the loss of Amy and her lambs. The pics of 2% and son are a delight! In spite of snow on the ground, Spring is really here. Thank you.