We Americans have a love/hate relationship with our televisions.  I try to limit my children’s time in front of the screen, but I myself spent my share of free time in front of the tube.  That was so long ago, I remember going to the local store to replace tubes that had burned out.  On the one hand, there is a huge amount of mindless junk on TV, but we have never had a greater choice of excellent content at our fingertips.  Whether you love it or hate it, the TV for one reason or another is a part of most of our lives.

Tv Above The Fireplace

TV Above the Fireplace

Every time we design a room, which contains a television, we are faced with the same set of questions.

  1. Do we conceal or expose the TV?
  2. Is the placement of the furniture based on a fireplace, TV, or another element or all of the above?
  3. Is the TV also used for video games and/or computer activities as well as casual entertainment?
    Tv As Focus Of Room

    TV as Focus of Room

    The fun part is the fact that the answers are never the same, and there is no ‘right’ solution.   We simply want to be consistent with the home, the room, and the tastes of the family who is watching the TV.

    Tv At Foot Of Bed

    TV at Foot of Bed

    Tv Cabinet

    TV Cabinet

    Tv Above Fireplace

    TV Above Fireplace

    Tv In Countertop

    TV in Countertop

    Photos by Rob Karosis  Curated Brochure by Crisp Architects: Portfolio

    To get my monthly newsletter, On The Drawing Board, click here.  Jimmy Crisp


About the Author: James Crisp

James M. Crisp has been an architect for well over 30 years. His architectural firm, Crisp Architects, designs projects throughout New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts. In April of 2007, Taunton Press published 'On the Porch' by James M. Crisp and Sandra Mahoney.

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  1. 23F7C7F26Bdde43Ee9Fbf18606A8B76C?S=54&R=G
    barbara southerland inc. February 12, 2015 at 11:25 am

    i always relish seeing your work; it is fabulous, inventive and elegant. thank you for letting others glimpse your endeavors. brilliant!
    barbara southerland

  2. 2A5263F7Fbd28537D6E37C75989360Ea?S=54&R=G
    Mark March 30, 2015 at 12:58 pm

    Have worked with you in the past with a different company I was with. very professional with great ideas. Love going to the show every year as well.

    hope to do more work with you in my new position.

    Keep up the good work

  3. E509De2Ce8Bcb3D6Ca169203C49B13A7?S=54&R=G
    Debra Bush August 10, 2015 at 10:30 pm

    Fantastic piece! Appreciate the different perspectives on the “right” answer to dealing with the intrusive T.V. screen. Would love to re-create your sliding barn doors above the fireplace in our home!! Many thanks for sharing.
    Kind regards

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